Assign a CSS style to a portlet

hexagonit.portletstyle is a Plone 4.x add-on that allows you to assign a CSS style to a portlet. You can chose from a list of pre-defined (configurable through Plone Control Panel) classes.


To install hexagonit.portletstyle you simply add hexagonit.portletstyle to the list of eggs in your buildout, run buildout and restart Plone. Then, install hexagonit.portletstyle using the Add-ons control panel.


Click on Manage portlets and add or edit a portlet. Select your desired portlet style from the Portlet Style drop-down menu and save. That’s it.

Default portlet styles

By default, this package gives you three default portlet styles:

  • No header
  • No footer
  • No header and no footer

Managing available portlet styles

You can add, edit and remove available portlet styles by going to the Plone Control Panel and clicking on the Portlet Styles configlet. Pointing your browser directly to http://<zope_ip>:<zope_port>/<plone_id>/@@portletstyles also does the trick.

Here, you can enter your styles, one by line, with a pipe (|) character delimiting CSS class and style title. For example, a line dummy|Dummy style would produce a Dummy style drop-down menu item that would give the portlet an additional CSS class of foo.

Lines are checked for formatting and validity of CSS classes. One style can have multiple CSS classes, for example, the following is valid: one two|Double class style.

Supported portlets

As of this moment, the following portlets are supported (as in, you can select a style when editing them):

  • Collection portlet
  • Events portlet
  • Navigation portlet
  • News portlet
  • Recently changed items portlet
  • RSS portlet
  • Search portlet
  • Static text portlet

Supported addon portlets

The rest of out-of-the-box Plone portlets are non-editable ones as you normally need only one instance per site. For these (and other) reasons the following portlets do not support choosing a style for them:

  • Calendar portlet
  • Classic portlet
  • Language portlet
  • Login portlet
  • Review portlet

Importing portlet styles from your own package

This package uses to store portlet styles. The added benefit of this is that you can easily control which styles you want to have in your site with GenericSetup. Just add registry.xml to /profiles/default folder and reinstall your custom product:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <records interface="hexagonit.portletstyle.interfaces.IPortletStyles">
    <value key="portlet_styles" purge="false">
      <element>first-style|First style</element>
      <element>secondStyle|Second style</element>
      <element>multi style|Multiple CSS classes style</element>

If you want to first remove whatever styles are already stored in the registry, simply use purge="true".

Styling third-party portlets

Follow the steps below to convince your third-party portlets to support selecting a style for them.

Portlet Assignment

You portlet’s Assignment class must have an __init__() and inside this method it must call base assignment’s __init__(). To put it in other words, (from which you portlet’s Assignment is likely inheriting from) has an __init__() method that sets the self.portlet_style value. You need to call this __init__() from your portlet’s assignment’s __init__().

Also in addition to inheriting schema interface from IPortletDataProvider, it need to inherit IPortletStyleDataProvider.

An example of how this can be achieved:

from hexagonit.portletstyle.interfaces import IPortletStyleDataProvider
from plone.portlets.interfaces import IPortletDataProvider

class IMyCustomPortlet(IPortletDataProvider, IPortletStyleDataProvider):
    """Your schema comest here."""

from import base

class Assignment(base.Assignment):


    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        base.Assignment.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) = kwargs.get('foo', 5) = kwargs.get('bar', "bar")

Portlet AddForm

Each portlet also has an AddForm class with a create method. This method must also pass the portlet style as a parameter. To make things simpler, just pass in the entire data.

class AddForm(base.AddForm):
    form_fields = form.Fields(IMyCustomPortlet)

    def create(self, data):
        return Assignment(**data)


Use the style in the template to assign an additional CSS class to your portlet:

<dl class="portlet portletMyCustom"
    tal:attributes="class string:portlet portletMyCustom ${view/portlet_style}"

Indices and tables